Thursday, January 25, 2018

Salento (transit day)

This morning we check out of Black Sheep after a very nice stay. We take a taxi to Terminal Sur where our ticket pre-purchase has paid off: We both get to enjoy breakfasts in the large terminal before our departure.

Paisa breakfast: steak, rice and beans, and fresh cheese on a tortilla.

Alex and the under hyped yet ubiquitous salpicon. Some of the best fruit salad on earth.
Unfortunately no night buses exist, so we endured the winding (but smooth) mountain roads awake. Scenery was beautiful: we gazed across verdant valleys and sugarcane fields. Many parts of the road are single-lane due to rockfall or resurfacing operations. We watched Inferno (zzz) and Deepwater Horizon (good) on the in-seat video systems (on a bus!).

We arrived in sleepy, beautiful Salento and check in at the British-Colombian owned Plantation House. Our wooden-floored room has an old school rock hard mattress and plenty of dogs outside to pet.

Dinner was super-filling Bandeja Paisa country plate (even though we're out of Antioquia, don't judge!) and Patacon con Hogao--a huge fried plantain chip with tomato chutney, which was delicious. After dinner we headed to La Mojiteria where Cuban music and memorabilia abound. Alex had a mojito with Havana Club rum, while I try the 3 Cordilleras La Negra sweet stout. This is by far the best Colombian microbrewery, whose Mestiza American pale ale is also delicious. We tried Parces, a Colombian rum, which had displays at every table flaunting its gold medal wins at the 2015 SF spirits competition. Wow, it did not disappoint. 

We sip final mojito as we listen to fantastic live guitar music in the tiny bar space.

We pass out on the firm mattresses back home, getting ready for our Cocora Valley trip the next day.

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