Friday, September 30, 2011

Highway to Hill: Sikkim

A passport stamp and a couple brutal share-jeep rides later and we're in Sikkim, surrounded by Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan. On our application to enter the state we had to sign saying we wouldn't hop to any neighboring countries.

Pelling from the Helipad

Everyone gets by on enormous diesel jeeps with 3 or 4 rows of seating. They're amazing because their fixed and reasonable prices give us a nice break from the rickshaw mafia (literally). We broke a record with 24 people in one vehicle getting to our first stop: Pelling.

Cricket, 2 monasteries, and walking around the ruins of Rabdentse (Sikkim's ancient capitol) in Pelling before getting up early for an all-day jeep ride to Gangtok. We're running around all day on little sleep, but it's worth it.

 Aaron expertly defending the wicket
Monk's quarters at Pemayangtse Monastery

Gangtok (Sikkim's capital) is enormous, with an extensive outdoor mall (they even sell iPhones). We'll get up early tomorrow to catch the huge monastery at Rumtek.

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