Monday, September 5, 2011


The 13 hour train ride from Delhi to Varanasi was amazing--and on time to the minute, both departing and arriving. I'm reading Rudyard Kipling's Kim, which is turning out to be pretty good. I was on cloud 9 in 3rd class, preparing to hit the ground running. (Up in my bunk, a good 5 feet above the seats)

Got to Varanasi around 5AM, found the hotel after a high-paced rickshaw ride plus walking (the rickshaw wouldn't fit) through tight alleyways past numerous bands of policemen. This morning, monkeys brawling on rooftops next to my window, and a cow just mooed from the street. Here's my new digs, 57 hours and 50 minutes after leaving my old digs in Alabama:

No air conditioning, but much more atmosphere.


  1. Dude, sick!

    Cows and fighting monkeys - also awesome.

    Do you recommend Kim? What about his other books (if you've read 'em)?

  2. Yeah, so far Kim is pretty good. I haven't had the chance to read his other books, but I can attest to the entertainment value of Disney's adaptation of the Jungle Book.
