Sunday, December 9, 2012

Going south...

Welcome back! It's been a while. The deal is Aaron and I will be traveling around Central America for winter break. I just graduated, so it's a great time to relax and check out another few countries. Lots planned as far as events, friends, work, couchsurfing, hiking, snorkeling, monkey sanctuaries, and food go.

I'll share a little taste of what I'll be doing for the next couple weeks:

Location    Approx. Date             Details
Panama    12/10-12/13    Panama City (2 nights), Boquete & the Chiriqui Highlands?
Costa Rica    12/13-12/15    Day trip to Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo/climb volcano
Nicaragua    12/15-12/18    Awesome town: granada 15-17 & Camilo Ortega 12/18 for Nica team
El Salvador    12/18-12/20    Visit Aaron's friend in El Salvador, beach huts
Honduras    12/20-12/22    Copan Ruinas for end of world
Guatemala    12/22-12/23?    Volcano studded highlands, Chichicastenango market, guatemala city
Belize    12/23-12/28    snorkeling?
Mexico    "12/28-1/4 Chichen itza

Finally completed hectic graduation/getting gear/packing. Train/bus ride down to LA fine, restful. Met with Auntie/Uncle in LA for quick tour of original downtown tour, including LA Phil, Library, Walt Disney Music Hall. Insanely awesome dinner at Umami Burger: triple pork burger. Oh yeah I'm officially putting vegetarianism on hold for this trip; I don't want to miss too much of the culinary culture.

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